Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
strings comparison matchers for chai
Check that an object does not have a length or size property with the expected value.
Check that two objects have all the same properties (keys and values) but don't check that the objects' constructors are the same.
Chai assertions for comparing arbitrary-precision decimals using the bignumber.js library
a simple chai plugin for better array assertions
A Chai plugin for @faltest/page-objects
Extend Chai Assertion library with tests for http apis
Chai assertions for iterable objects
Chai JSON pattern assertions
Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
Extends Chai with assertions about promises, and ES5 (and IE11) compatible.
Chai assertions for testing your CLI
Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
Extends Chai with assertions for Sinon
ZKit chai matchers for Circom
Object properties matcher for Chai
Object properties matcher for Chai
Object properties matcher for Chai, contained arrays must contain identical objects in order
Plugin for validating API schemas from API documentation
Extends chai with bn.js operations
Chai assertions for bookshelf-based models
Assert that a change you expected to happen, happened, with the chai library
Factories over fixtures. Build for the Chai Assertion Library
Chai assertions for Node.js filesystem
jQuery assertions for the Chai assertion library
Chai plugin for JSON Schema v4
Null Object Pattern implementation for the Chai Assertion Library
Spies for the Chai assertion library.
Statistical and additional numerical assertions for the Chai Assertion Library.
Chai Things adds support to [Chai](http://chaijs.com/) for assertions on array elements.
Allows the Chai Assertion library to create and measure timers.
Extends chai with assertions that allow for floating point rounding errors
a simple chai plugin for better array assertions
Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
Chai assertions for types defined via JSDoc
Plugin for ChaiJS allows checking how many assertions, asserts or expects were run per each test
a simple chai plugin for asserting on types
a chai plugin for type assertions, support typescript
Backbone assertions for the Chai assertion library
Chai shallowDeepEqual replacement that wraps Unexpected
Chai assertions for comparing arbitrary-precision decimals using the bignumber.js library
Chai assertions for byte arrays equality
Chai assertions for comparing arbitrary-precision integers using the bignumber.js library
Empowers chai's assertions using es6 proxy
Chai assertions for byte arrays equality
Assert that a change you expected to happen, happened, with the chai library
Change assertions for the Chai assertion library
A Chai plugin for counting assertions.
Cheerio assertions for the Chai assertion library
Color assertions for chai
More friendly version of .contain()
A simple counting plugin for the Chai assertion library
chai assertion for cron time expressions
Validates a string to have valid date format
date / time comparison matchers for chai
Chai assertions for comparing arbitrary-precision decimals using the decimal.js library
Ignore keys which have undefined values to compare from a deep equal operation with chai expect
chai plugin to match objects and arrays deep equality with arrays (including nested ones) being in any order
Extends Chai with an assertion for deeply matching objects (i.e. subset equality checking)
wow, very doge-style do-nothing language chains for chai, much silly
DOM assertions for the Chai assertion library using vanilla JavaScript
AWS DynamoDB reserved word assertions for Chai
A [Chai](http://chaijs.com/) plugin that allows for assertions on each item in an array
Ignore keys which have undefined values to compare from a deep equal operation with chai expect
Test EventEmitter with Chai
Chai plugin for testing node-style EventEmitters
Make assertions about event emitters
Exclude keys to compare from a deep equal operation with chai expect and assert
Chai assertions for testing your CLI
Chai matchers to make matching fetch responses clear & easy
file system assertions for chai
Firebase and Fireproof support for the Chai assertion library.
Chai assertions for Flux actions
Chai assertions for Node.js filesystem
Chai assertions for Node.js filesystem
fuzzy matchers for chai
Extend Chai with assertions for Javascript generators
GraphQL response matcher for Chai
Extend Chai Assertion library with tests for http apis
Extends Chai with assertions about images
Chai assertions for Facebook's Immutable library for JavaScript collections
A Chai plugin to check if an array contains some members, not necessarily successively.
Chai matchers for increasing/decreasing sequences
Validates that a number is an integer
chai assertions about an object's interface
Extend Chai Assertion library with tests for ip addresses
Chai assertions for iterable objects
Chai plugin to add assertions for jest mocks
An alternate jQuery assertion library for Chai.
jQuery assertions for the Chai assertion library
js-factories integration with Chai
Chai assertion utilities for writing JSCodeShift Codemods.
A chai plugin to validate json files
Assert on equality of json representations in Chai
Chai JSON pattern assertions
Chai plugin for JSON Schema v4
A chai plugin for validate json schema.
Chai plugin for snapshot testing in Karma.
Chai plugin for asserting on Kefir Observables.
Chai plugin for Kekka
A JSON matcher for chai
DateTime assertions for Chai, powered by Luxon
Advanced RegExp assertions for Chai.js
Validates a deep structured JSON pattern
Validates a string to have valid date time format with moment
Mongo document equality assertions for chai
Extends Chai with assertions for the Nock Http mocking framework
Use Chai to assert that HTTP responses satisfy an OpenAPI spec
Adds useful methods for using chai to validate function parameters
Adds useful methods for using chai to validate function parameters
Extends Chai with lint-friendly terminating assertions
Checks whether a string path matches a posix path
A Chai plugin for Postman assertions
Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
Array quantifier assertions for chai assertion library
A suite of Chai assertions for ReactElement VDOMs
A chai plugin that adds recursive deep equality assertions
deep equals assertions with tolerance for chai
deep equals assertions with tolerance for chai (with fixed dependency on deep-eql)
Extends Chai with assertions about RxJS observable streams.
Plugin for the chai assert library for comparing observables in tests
Extends Chai with assertions about RxJS5+ observable streams.
Deep matching chai assertions using samsam
This plugin was created to comparing two images using chai as an assertion library.
It's inspired by the `haveScreenShot` method made by Playwright and
[chai-image](https://github.com/mooyoul/chai-image), a repo that seems to be unmaintained.
Semver plugin for Chai
Shallow deep equal assertion for chai
A Chai assertion frame work for Enzyme
Adds chai assertions for the js-signals library.
SIP plugin for Chai
Chai assertions for Serenity/JS and Protractor
Chai JS Plugin for testing if an array has sorted values (strings, numbers, booleans). Very helpful when writing tests for features that implement Array.prototype.sort()
Spies for the Chai assertion library.
Spies for the Chai assertion library.
strings comparison matchers for chai
Chai plugin with some (maybe useful to you!) assertions.
Computed style and dimension assertions for the Chai assertion library
Object properties matcher for Chai
Chai plugin to test matching subsets in the same order
Extend Chai Assertion library with tests for superagent requests
Chai extension with type-aware assertions.
A chai assertion plugin for working with urls
Chai plugin for performing assertions on UUIDs
Build more expressive integration tests with some webdriver sugar for chai.js
Chai plugin for asserting executed scripts with selenium-webdriver
Build more expressive integration tests with some webdriver sugar for chai.js
A chai plugin to assert that a number is within tolerance of an expected value
Xml assertions for Chai
Id equality assertions for chai
chai plugin to match objects and arrays deep equality with arrays (including nested ones) being in any order
Extends Chai with lint-friendly terminating assertions.
Make your tests cough up. Chai plugin that triggers a REPL when an assertion fails that allows you to interrogate and manipulate variables, in the scope of the failing test.
Jest plugin for asserting on Kefir Observables
Chai plugin for js.spec
Chai plugin for assertions with Maybe monads
Extend Chai Assertion library with tests for http apis
Chai asserts for node-fetch response promise, make your tests with http more declarative
Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
A Chai plugin providing assertions on the order of Sinon spy calls
Chai Plugin for ZombieJS (http://zombie.js.org/)